What is Google AdSense? How to make money with AdSense?


What is Google AdSense? How to make money with AdSense?
There are several ways to monetize website traffic. And most of these are related to third party advertising. At present there are many organizations through which you can earn money by advertising on your website. The most popular of these organizations is Google AdSense.

Google's ad program was launched in mid-2003 and is currently the most popular advertising program on the Internet. AdSense provides a great opportunity for webmasters and site owners to monetize traffic. Google pays about $ 10 billion a year to its publishers. Let's see what is AdSense? And how can we make money with AdSense? 

Benefits of Google AdSense

  • A large number of publishers and advertisers. So far, more than 100 million websites are using Google AdSense.
  • Maximum protection and transparency for both advertisers and publishers. This is one of the features of AdSense. Google acts as a mediator for both parties and manages the whole process nicely for everyone. And the user  can track all the information through Google Analytics.
  • Advertising in various formats. AdSense allows advertisers to run ads of different formats and sizes. As a publisher, you can experiment with different types of ads and see which ones are earning the most.

Tip: See what size ads are most used on other people's websites. For example, in our own study we analyzed more than 633,000 advertisers and publishers and found that 728x90 and 300x250 sizes were the most commonly used ads.

How does AdSense work?

The process of launching AdSense is quite simple. Create an AdSense account first. Then put the code from AdSense on the pages of your website. When done, Google will display ads on your code-embedded pages. There are usually two types of ads. One, relevant to the overall theme of the website. Two, based on users' previous search algorithms.

Earnings will start as soon as visitors click on those ads on the website. You can say that most of the earning comes from ad clicks. Google AdSense works by sharing the cost and revenue per click.

Tip: Do not take illegal clicks or encourage visitors to click through Google acquaintances. There are many click exchange groups on Facebook at the moment. Do not exchange clicks in any way. This may increase the temporary earnings, but after a while Google will put an ad limit on the upper site. As a result, the ad will no longer be live on the site.

How to make money with AdSense?

Google charges advertisers per ad click. Publishers receive 8% of clicks.

The money you get depends on the Keyword Value and CPC. For example, CPCs per click can range from $ 0.20 to $ 15.

There are two ways to find the most profitable topic:

CPC Map Tool : With the CPC Map Tool , you can easily find out which way the CPC is paying more.

The two most expensive niches in the United States are insurance and online education. If you are just about to start a blog and choose to cover topics, these numbers will be very useful for you.

Keyword Magic Tool: You can find out the CPC of a specific keyword.

Traffic is the main mantra

Above all, the revenue of the website depends on the amount of traffic. You can easily earn a lot more if you work with good niche and place ad in the right way. In short, you need a lot of traffic to earn a large amount of money, so the night is very important.

Create a website that you know a lot about. This allows you to easily write good quality content. It is best to post on AdSense after posting 1000 plus words at 16/17. This will allow you to earn a fair amount of money.


You can make a lot of money with Google Adsense, but you will make a mistake if you want to get rich quick. But if you want, you can stabilize your earnings by adopting some methods.

  • Write about the things you love and the things you know well.
  • Give regular updates on the website. Maintain a chain and write.
  • Refrain from invalid clicks.
  • Find the most profitable niche to get good CPC.

Hope you like the post and find it useful. We always try to make the whole thing easy for the readers. Stay with us, thanks.

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